Saturday 23 January 2010

22nd January 2010 - Preliminary Task Filming

In today's lesson, the filming of the preliminary task took place. To make sure that we stayed to our plan we used the storyboard so we could shoot the shots in order and make sure we did not miss any out. Our filming took place in the class room and the corridor leading to it. I recorded the shots that took place in the classroom showing the conversation between Josh and Sophie. As the conversation is to be shown in shot reverse shot, we had to record many differrent camera shots: Two shot, over the shoulder shot and close up shot of both Sophie and Josh. To make the shots more successful, a tripod was used so that the camera would be steady. Once we had finished the filming, the group uploaded the videos of the tape and onto the T drive on the computer so that they could be accessed from all computers in the class room.

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