Wednesday, 17 February 2010

16th February 2010 - Location Planning

Today me and Adam went around Toton trying to find suitable locations for the filming of our thriller. We decided that some paths along Toton sidings would be best as it would fit our storyboard perfectly and is in quite a quiet area so would not be at risk of shots being ruined by other people. As there are trees and bushes either side of the path it makes it perfect for a stalker scenario, which is what we are aiming for in our thriller opening. These are images of the location that we are going to shoot:

This part of the path has a slight curve so it would be perfect for the beginning of our clip when we first start seeing the stalker, also it had bushland either side of the path so it can add mystery.

This part of the path is straight and long, this is perfect for the two shots when we want see both stalker and victim on camera.

This area of path has a bank running parallel to it, meaning we could film the wide shots at the end of the clip from a high angle, adding more mystery, and we would also be able to see both characters at the same time, instead of doing separate shots.

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