Monday 8 March 2010

5th March 2010 - Upload and Editing

In this lesson we uploaded our recordings onto the computer from the DV tape. We captured each clip separately so that when it came to editing we could easily piece them together and add transitions and effects.
The next step was to begin the editing process. We firstly inserted all the video clips into Adobe so that we could rearrange them, add transition, titles and sound.

The first part of the editing process is adding titles over the introduction of Sam walking. We added a title and then edited the font, size and colour of the text so it was visible over the clip and also readable. We decided to have the titles over the top of the clip as we decided it would look better than just having a blank screen with the text on.

To get to the next clip, two transitions on adobe were combined to make one that faded to black and then back to the next video clip of an long shot of Sam walking down the path. A straight cut was then used to cut to the next clip of Sam walking down a path with Ashley walking in the other direction in the distance.

Next a lot of shots and transitions are used. The first is that the shot of Sam walking fades to a close up of the side of Ashley's face as he is walking. This then cross fades to an over the shoulder shot of Ashley walking towards Sam. Next this shot cross fades to a wide pan shot of Ashley walking towards Sam. This then cross fades to a shot of Sam and Ashley walking towards each other whilst the camera is behind a bush.

The final shot is of a tilt of a hat and then revealing Sam walking off dragging a bag, this then dips to white and the title appears on the screen.

The next stage was to add sound to our video. We decided to chose two tracks that were off a free music website. We used an erie piano song over the whole of the clip as this helped to build suspense. We also added an upbeat rock song when Ashley appears on screen to show that it is coming out of his headphones.

This is the draft video

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